Condominium Conversions

Criterium-Pfaff Engineers’ Condominium Conversion Inspections comply with the State of Washington codes for the conversion of apartment buildings to condominiums. Specifically, the need for these inspections is mandated by statute RCW 64.34.415 for the conversion of apartment property to condominiums. The scope of our Condominium Conversion is designed to address the requirements of the Washington State RCW’s. The inspection and report are in accordance with the requirements which are outlined in RCW 64.34.415. This identifies the specific scope as “describing, to the extent reasonably ascertainable, the present condition of all structural components and mechanical and electrical installations material to the use and enjoyment of the condominiums”. Further, it requires a statement of the expected useful life of each item reported on. RCW 64.55.090 requires inspection of the building enclosure to “identify the present condition of the building enclosure and whether such condition has adversely affected or will adversely affect the performance of the building enclosure to waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion”. Our Condominium Conversion services do not cover any design work or leak testing. Since interpretations of the RCW requirements may vary, we recommend that you review our scope of services with your attorney.